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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 132-137, 20240102.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526861


Introducción. Los traumatismos cardíacos son lesiones graves y con elevado índice de letalidad, aspecto que influye en el interés mostrado por los lectores cada vez que aparecen reportados en publicaciones científicas. En ocasiones existe cierto grado de incongruencia a la hora de establecer el origen histórico de sucesos o eventos ocurridos y relacionados con la historia de la medicina. En el caso del trauma cardíaco penetrante han sido descritos diversos orígenes en algunos de los artículos científicos publicados, lo cual puede generar un grado de duda en los lectores. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura, médica y no médica, para buscar información que ayudara a esclarecer el verdadero origen histórico de esta entidad. Resultados. El trauma cardíaco penetrante fue descrito por primera vez en la obra griega titulada La Ilíada, escrita por Homero en el siglo VIII A.C., y no en El papiro quirúrgico de Edwin Smith, como varios autores mencionan. Conclusiones. De todos los eventos de trauma cardíaco penetrante descritos, el más irrefutable es el narrado en el canto XIII, donde se cuenta la muerte de Alcátoo, producto de una herida cardíaca ocasionada por una lanza arrojada por Idomeneo durante una batalla

Introduction. Cardiac traumatic injuries are serious injuries with a high lethality rate, an aspect that influences the interest shown by readers each time they appear reported in scientific publications. Sometimes there is a certain degree of inconsistency when it comes to establishing the historical origin of occurrences or events related to the history of medicine. In the case of penetrating cardiac trauma, different origins have been described in some of the published scientific articles, which may generate a degree of doubt in the readers. Methods. A review of the medical and non-medical literature was carried out to seek information that would help to clarify the true historical origin of this entity. Results. Penetrating cardiac trauma was first described in a Greek work entitled The Iliad, written by Homer in the 8th century B.C., and not in The Surgical Papyrus of Edwin Smith as several authors mention. Conclusions. Of all the events of penetrating cardiac trauma described, the most irrefutable is the one narrated in canto XIII, where it recounts the death of Alcathous product of a cardiac wound caused by a spear thrown by Idomeneo during a battle.

Humans , Wounds, Penetrating , History of Medicine , Wounds and Injuries , Heart Injuries , History
Edumecentro ; 162024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550231


Introducción: el conocimiento de la historia es necesario para dejar constancia del origen y desarrollo de las diferentes especialidades en Villa Clara. Objetivo: exponer una síntesis de elementos históricos sobre la especialidad de Laboratorio Clínico en Villa Clara, posterior al triunfo de la Revolución cubana y la evolución de dicha especialidad. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con análisis crítico-reflexivo sobre el contenido de los documentos. Fueron revisados los archivos de la especialidad, libros y materiales afines al tema tratado, se realizaron entrevistas al personal de laboratorio clínico para indagar sobre años anteriores y hasta la actualidad; se incluyeron las tesis de doctorado, maestrías, artículos originales y de revisión publicados entre 2005 y 2019 en español e inglés. La búsqueda fue realizada en las bases de datos SciELO y Google académico entre enero y marzo de 2020. Desarrollo: se expuso el devenir histórico de la referida especialidad en Villa Clara y los profesionales que participaron, se mostraron aspectos sobre la formación de los recursos humanos, la evolución de la especialidad y los nuevos retos. Conclusiones: se socializaron algunos elementos históricos sobre la especialidad de Laboratorio Clínico en Villa Clara, en la etapa posterior al triunfo de la Revolución cubana como reconocimiento a todos aquellos que contribuyeron al inicio y desarrollo de dicha especialidad que hoy cumple con los estándares de calidad exigidos.

Introduction: knowledge of history is necessary to record the origin and development of the different specialties in Villa Clara. Objective: present a synthesis of historical elements about the specialty of Clinical Laboratory in Villa Clara, after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the evolution of said specialty. Methods: a bibliographic review was carried out with reflective critical analysis of the content of the bibliographies. The files of the specialty, books and materials related to the topic discussed were reviewed, interviews were conducted with clinical laboratory personnel to inquire about previous years and up to the present; Doctoral theses, master's degrees, original and review articles published from 2005 to 2019 in Spanish and English were included. The search was carried out in the SciELO and Google academic databases from January to March 2020. Development: the historical development of the specialty in Villa Clara and the professionals who participated were explained, aspects of the training of human resources, the evolution of the specialty and the new challenges were shown. Conclusions: some historical elements were socialized about the specialty of Clinical Laboratory in Villa Clara, in the stage after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in recognition of all those who contributed to the beginning and development of said specialty that today meets the required quality standards.

Laboratories, Clinical , Students , Education, Medical , Faculty , History of Medicine
Galicia clin ; 84(4): 19-23, Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-230217


November 16 marked the 400th anniversary of the death, in Toulouse, of Francisco Sánchez de Sousa, known as "the Skeptic" or "the Tudense" who was, without a doubt, the most prestigious doctor and philosopher in the history of Galicia. With a versatile, multifaceted and cosmopolitan spirit, he represents the living incarnation of the Renaissance prototype of universal man. From a medical point of view, it could be said that our protagonist was a precursor of Evidence-Based Medicine, since he advocated a direct examination of things and submitting the data from the experience to analysis and critical judgment. The medical work of Francisco Sánchez is collected in a very heterogeneous conglomerate, published posthumously under the generic title of Opera Medica. It consists of a compilation of philosophical texts and a collection of various medical writings that includes notes, monographs, conferences, speeches and even notes for teaching. (AU)

El 16 de noviembre se cumplieron 400 años de la muerte, en Toulouse, de Francisco Sánchez de Sousa, conocido por “el Escéptico” o “el Tudense” que fue, sin duda alguna, el médico y filósofo más prestigioso de la historia de Galicia. De espíritu versátil, polifacético y cosmopolita, representa la encarnación viva del prototipo renacentista de hombre universal. Desde el punto de vista médico se podría decir que nuestro protagonista fue un precursor de la Medicina Basada en la Evidencia ya que propugnaba un examen directo de las cosas y someter los datos de la experiencia al análisis y al juicio crítico. La obra médica de Francisco Sánchez está recogida en un conglomerado muy heterogéneo, publicado de forma póstuma con el título genérico de Opera Medica. Consiste en una recopilación de textos filosóficos y una colección de diversos escritos médicos que incluye apuntes, monografías, conferencias, discursos e incluso notas para impartir la docencia. (AU)

Humans , History, 16th Century , History of Medicine , Evidence-Based Medicine/history , Spain , Portugal
Cult. cuid ; 27(67): 62-98, Dic 11, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228576


The objective of this article is to vividly evoke the shared experiences with Professor and researcher Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez and to explicitly outline the most significant aspects of his contribution to the history of medicine and nursing, based on both historical research and narrative, highlighting his strong commitment and dedication to literary sources. The methodology employed has focused on autobiography, recalling shared moments in academic, artistic, literary, and leisure contexts; that is, the creation of autobiographical life stories focused on the times when various interactions occurred between Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez and the author. The results demonstrate the importance of Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez's contributions to the history of medicine and nursing. Likewise, the great humanistic quality of the mentioned researcher is evident. Conclusions: Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez, through the cultivation of his favorite passions—historical research, literature, drawing, painting, and art in general—emerged as a profound humanist who positively influenced the education of historians in the fields of medicine and nursing.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo consiste en evocar de forma nítida las vivencias compartidas con el profesor e investigador Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez y explicitar los aspectos más significativos de su aportación a la historia de la medicina y la enfermería basadas tanto en la investigación histórica como en la narrativa resaltando su gran compromiso y dedicación con las fuentes literarias. La metodología empleada se ha centrado en la autobiografía rememorando momentos compartidos en contextos académicos, artísticos, literarios y de puro ocio; es decir en la elaboración de relatos de vida autobiográficos enfocados a los tiempos en los que se han producido interacciones de diversa índole entre Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez y el autor. Los resultados muestran la importancia de las aportaciones de Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez a la historia de la medicina y la historia de la enfermería. Asimismo, queda demostrada la gran calidad humanística del mencionado investigador. Conclusiones: Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez, mediante el cultivo de sus predilectas pasiones: la investigación histórica, la literatura, el dibujo, la pintura y el arte en general; se erigió en un humanista de gran calado que incidió positivamente en la formación de historiadores de la medicina y la enfermería.(AU)

O objetivo deste artigo é evocar de forma nítida as experiências compartilhadas com o professor e pesquisador Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez e explicitar os aspectos mais significativos de sua contribuição para a história da medicina e enfermagem, com base tanto na pesquisa histórica quanto na narrativa, destacando seu grande comprometimento e dedicação às fontes literárias. A metodologia utilizada concentrou-se na autobiografia, recordando momentos compartilhados em contextos acadêmicos, artísticos, literários e de lazer; ou seja, na elaboração de relatos de vida autobiográficos focados nos momentos em que ocorreram interações de diversas naturezas entre Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez e o autor. Os resultados mostram a importância das contribuições de Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez para a história da medicina e enfermagem. Da mesma forma, a grande qualidade humanística do referido pesquisador fica evidente. Conclusões: Francisco Herrera-Rodríguez, por meio do cultivo de suas paixões preferidas - pesquisa histórica, literatura, desenho, pintura e arte em geral - tornou-se um humanista de grande envergadura que teve um impacto positivo na formação de historiadores da medicina e enfermagem.(AU)

Humans , Male , History of Medicine , History of Nursing , Nursing , Narrative Medicine
Pediatr. catalan ; 83(4): 149-154, Oct.-Des. 2023. ilus
Article in Catalan | IBECS | ID: ibc-229245


Introducció. L’enuresi és un trastorn greu, per la gran prevalença i la repercussió que té sobre la qualitat de vida dels pacients i les seves famílies. Al llarg de la història s’han emprat diferents teràpies, i fins avui no es disposa d’una solució definitiva. Objectiu. Examinar l’evolució del concepte d’enuresi, les causes atribuïdes i els tractaments aplicats des de les primeres referències fins a l’actualitat. Mètode. Revisió bibliogràfica del concepte, les causes atribuïdes i els tractaments aplicats contra l’enuresi, estructurada en etapes històriques. Resultats. Al llarg de la història s’han donat diferents explicacions sobre l’origen de l’enuresi, des de la invasió del cos per animals fins a càstigs divins o debilitat de l’individu. La ciència ha descartat diferents teories fins a conèixer els veritables mecanismes fisiopatològics, dels quals encara queden molts aspectes per aclarir. Al llarg dels segles s’han aplicat càstigs, s’han elaborat pocions màgiques, dispositius complexos que inhibeixen la micció, teràpies conductuals, intervencions quirúrgiques i tractaments tòpics i sistèmics. També les alarmes d’enuresi evolucionen, des de les que aplicaven descàrregues elèctriques fins a les actuals que desperten el pacient mitjançant senyals acústics o vibratoris. Conclusions. Els tractaments aplicats per a l’enuresi al llarg de la història han estat relacionats amb el concepte de malaltia de cada època. Conèixer els mecanismes fisiopatològics ha permès trobar tractaments efectius que han millorat la qualitat de vida dels enurètics. Avançar en aquest coneixement és clau per trobar la solució definitiva. (AU)

Introducción. La enuresis es un trastorno grave por su gran prevalencia y repercusión sobre la calidad de vida de los pacientes y sus familias. A lo largo de la historia se han utilizado diferentes terapias y, hasta hoy, no se dispone de solución definitiva. Objetivo. Examinar la evolución del concepto, causas atribuidas y tratamientos aplicados para la enuresis, desde las primeras referencias hasta la actualidad. Método. Revisión bibliográfica del concepto, las causas atribuidas y tratamientos aplicados contra la enuresis, estructurada en etapas históricas. Resultados. A lo largo de la historia se han dado diferentes explicaciones sobre el origen de la enuresis, desde la invasión del cuerpo por animales hasta castigos divinos o debilidad del individuo. Diferentes teorías han sido descartadas por la ciencia hasta el conocimiento de los verdaderos mecanismos fisiopatológicos, de los cuales aún quedan muchos aspectos por aclarar. A lo largo de los siglos se han aplicado castigos, se han elaborado pociones mágicas, complejos dispositivos que inhiben la micción, terapias conductuales, intervenciones quirúrgicas y tratamientos tópicos y sistémicos. También las alarmas de enuresis evolucionan, desde las que aplicaban descargas eléctricas hasta las actuales que despiertan al paciente mediante señales acústicas o vibratorias. Conclusiones. Los tratamientos aplicados para la enuresis a lo largo de la historia se han relacionado con el concepto de enfermedad de cada época. Conocer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos ha permitido encontrar tratamientos efectivos que han mejorado la calidad de vida de los enuréticos. Avanzar en este conocimiento es clave para hallar la solución definitiva. (AU)

Background. Enuresis is a severe disorder because of its high frequency and impact on the quality of life of affected children and their families. Although until today there is no established treatment for enuresis, diverse therapies have been applied over history. Objective. To examine the historic evolution of the concept, presumed causes, and treatments of enuresis from first references until today. Method. Bibliographical review of presumed causes and treatments applied in the treatment of enuresis, structured in historical stages. Results. Throughout history, enuresis has been considered as the invasion of human body by animals, divine punishments, or weakness. Different theories have been rejected by science until the knowledge of the true pathophysiological mechanisms. Punishments, potions and magic, complex devices inhibiting the urination, behavioral therapies, surgical trials, and topical and systemic treatments have been applied throughout history. In addition, different “alarm systems” have been used, evolving from applying electric shocks to wake patients by acoustic or vibrating signals. Conclusions. Treatments applied in the management of enuresis throughout the centuries have been closely related to the understanding of its cause over time. Knowing the pathophysiological mechanisms has made it possible to find effective treatments that have improved the quality of life of affected children. However, to establish a definitive treatment for enuresis, it is necessary to advance in the understanding the diverse mechanisms involved in its etiopathogenesis. (AU)

Humans , Enuresis/diagnosis , Enuresis/history , Enuresis/physiopathology , Enuresis/therapy , History of Medicine
Article in Russian | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38142353


Despite numerous publications devoted to role of Vasily Shervinsky as public figure, organizer and researcher, information about his private life is almost not described in historical literature. The article presents an attempt, based on archival sources and not numerous testimonies of contemporaries, to draw up portrait of V. D. Shervinsky against the background of his medical, social and universal historical milieu.

History of Medicine , Humans , Russia , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century
J Med Libr Assoc ; 111(4): 844-851, 2023 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37928112


While the Ebers Papyrus is understood to be one of the oldest and most complete contemporaneous perspectives on Ancient Egyptian healing practices, nothing has yet been said about the biography of its first English-language translator, Dr. Carl H. von Klein. A German immigrant and surgeon in the American Midwest, von Klein spent twenty-some years meticulously translating and annotating the Papyrus, but ultimately his manuscript was destroyed. In this paper, we examine the societal- and personal-scale forces that thwarted his efforts to transform our understanding of the history of medicine.

History of Medicine , History, Ancient , Egypt , Translations
Rev. med. cine ; 19(4): 355-362, 11/14/2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-227603


La breve, azarosa y fructífera vida de Paracelso, médico del siglo XVI, motivó en 1943, aproximadamente 400 años después de su muerte, a un film homenaje alemán que rescató un fragmento de su existencia. El rodaje y estreno se realizó en plena segunda guerra mundial y fue controlado rigurosamente por el nazismo. Esto produjo determinadas polémicas, aún vigentes, relacionadas con su director. Este trabajo intenta dar cuenta de ambos hechos. (AU)

The brief, eventful and fruitful life of Paracelsus, a 16th century doctor, motivated a German tribute film in 1943, approximately 400 years after his death that rescued a fragment of his existence. The filming and premiere took place during the Second World War and was rigorously controlled by the Nazis. This produced certain controversies, still in force, related to its director. This paper intends to portrait both facts. (AU)

Humans , History, 16th Century , History, 20th Century , History of Medicine , Motion Pictures
Medisan ; 27(5)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1529013


El Hospital Civil de Santiago de Cuba fue fundado en 1863 y, desde entonces, se ha mantenido prestando asistencia a pacientes de esta provincia y de toda la región oriental. En 1960 fue trasladado a su sede actual y se convirtió en pilar fundamental del inicio de la docencia médica superior para todo el oriente de Cuba. Es mencionado en varios textos desde el siglo XIX, mas se desconoce su creación y trayectoria. En ese sentido, luego de una revisión exhaustiva de documentos y periódicos de la época, se realizó el presente artículo con el objetivo de describir la evolución de este centro y los contextos históricos fundamentales.

The Civil Hospital of Santiago de Cuba was founded in 1863 and, since that time, it has given assistance to patients of this province and of all east region. In 1960 it was transferred to the current head office and became fundamental column in the beginning of higher medical teaching for the whole east of Cuba. It is mentioned in several texts from the XIX century, but its creation and trajectory is not known. In that sense, after an exhaustive review of documents and newspapers of that time, the present work was carried out aimed at describing the evolution of this center and the fundamental historical contexts.

History of Medicine , Cuba
Zhonghua Yi Shi Za Zhi ; 53(4): 214-221, 2023 Jul 28.
Article in Chinese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37727000


The Institute of Chinese Medical History and Literature in the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine was officially established on May 28, 1982. Its predecessor was the Medical History Research Office in the Chinese Medicine Institute of the Central Institute of Health, the Editorial Office of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Theory and Literature Research Office of the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Before that, the Research Office of Chinese Medical History and Literature in the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established in 1971. It made remarkable achievements in scientific research, personnel training and discipline construction in terms of medical history and literature. It was upgraded to the Institute with the approval of the Ministry of Health in 1980. After its establishment, the institute has benefited from great achievements.

Acupuncture Therapy , Medicine , History of Medicine , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Academies and Institutes , China
Uisahak ; 32(2): 595-621, 2023 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37718563


Currently, the education of the history of medicine in South Korea has established a solid foundation. Since Kim Du-jong (1896-1988) began giving medical history lectures at Severance Medical College in 1946, a total of 22 universities-over half of the 40 total universities-have implemented medical history education in the curriculum as of 2023. Furthermore, several textbooks and translations summarizing Western and Korean medical history have been published. However, despite this expansion, there has been little discussion on how to implement medical history education for students. To address this gap, this study examines the period and structure of medical history education, as well as various teaching methods, while considering their respective advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, there are two main approaches to implementing medical history education. One approach integrates medical history throughout the entire educational process, while the other concentrates on specific stages of education. Both approaches extend beyond undergraduate education and encompass medical education after graduation. The former emphasizes integration with basic medical and clinical education, while the latter focuses on ensuring educational coherence. Secondly, the structure of medical history courses can be broadly categorized as chronological or thematic. Within the chronological approach, there are two subcategories: general and periodic. The general method is traditionally used in history education but may be rigid in structure and fail to engage students' interest. On the other hand, the period method conveys multidimensional and comprehensive understanding of different periods but may make it challenging to grasp the overall flow of history, resulting in fragmentation of the course. Thematic structure can be further divided into topic-centered and field-specific methods. Both approaches allow for adjusting the content and arrangement of courses based on student interests and teaching conditions, but they present challenges in maintaining the coherence of the entire course. Lastly, the teaching methods in medical history education can be categorized into traditional lectures, small-group discussions, and individual research guidance. Most medical history courses adopt a lecture-based teaching method, which effectively provides diverse knowledge to medical students who may be unfamiliar with historical research and methodology. However, due to the one-directional nature of the instruction and the passive role of the learners, it can be challenging to stimulate learners' motivation or assess their understanding. Consequently, recent changes try to incorporate active learning through small-group discussions and individual research guidance.

Education, Medical , Medicine , Students, Medical , History of Medicine , Humans , Schools, Medical , Educational Status
Rev. esp. patol ; 56(3): 168-179, Jul-Sep. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-223321


José Luis Arteta, fue uno de los últimos discípulos de Cajal. Él encarna como pocos la transición entre la brillante escuela neurohistológica española, con el inicio de la anatomía patológica diagnóstica de ámbito hospitalario asistencial. Esa transición ocurre durante la difícil posguerra en la década de los cuarenta e inicio de los cincuenta del siglo XX, hasta culminar con la fundación de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica en 1959. Como muchos de los patólogos de su generación, dominaba la práctica de las autopsias clínicas, pero en el Hospital Provincial de Madrid tuvo ocasión de desarrollar el diagnóstico biópsico de la mano del clínico más brillante de su generación Carlos Jiménez Díaz, al tiempo que mantenía una notable actividad investigadora en el Instituto Cajal y a través de su estrecha colaboración con Gregorio Marañón. Además de médico y patólogo, Arteta era un humanista, de vasta cultura, que también pudo desarrollar por su entrañable amistad con Pío Baroja. Sobre su prematura muerte a los 45 años por poliomielitis, queda una sombra de misterio acerca de si se trató de una infección ambiental o una inoculación accidental durante sus investigaciones sobre este virus.(AU)

José Luis Arteta, was one of Cajal's last students at the outstanding institute of neurohistology. His career highlights a time of transition in Spanish pathology during the difficult years between the 1940s and the early 1950s, following the Spanish civil war. Diagnostic pathology was beginning to take place within the hospital setting and eventually, in 1959, the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP) was founded. Like many of his peers, he was expert in clinical autopsies, but he also had the opportunity, in the Provincial Hospital in Madrid, to develop skills in biopsy diagnosis under the tutelage of Carlos Jimenez Díaz, the most brilliant clinician of the time. He continued his research at the Cajal Institute and in collaboration with Gregorio Marañón. However, not only was Arteta a notable physician and pathologist, he was also a cultured humanist and close friend of Pío Baroja. His premature death at age 45 from poliomyelitis remains somewhat of a mystery: was it caused by an environmental infection or an accidental inoculation during his research on the virus?.(AU)

Humans , Male , History of Medicine , Pathology/history , Poliomyelitis , Spain
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 30: e2023036, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37586010


This text analyzes the way sick slaves were treated at the Office (ofício) of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay and Santa Catalina Farm (estancia) between 1711 and 1745. The sources consulted - Libro de cuentas del Ofício, Memoriales, and Cartas ânuas - reveal that the sickness of the enslaved people generated expenses, not only for medications, clothing, and food, but also for shrouds for their burial. As for the slaves from the Santa Catalina Farm, the sources indicate that depending on the infirmity, they were sometimes sent to Córdoba, where they were treated by laypersons trained in the healing arts, which incurred different expenses, also recorded in the ledgers.

Neste texto, analisamos o tratamento dispensado aos escravos enfermos do Ofício da Província Jesuítica do Paraguay e da Estância de Santa Catalina entre 1711 e 1745. As fontes analisadas ­ Libro de cuentas del Ofício, Memoriales e Cartas ânuas ­ revelam que o adoecimento de escravos do Ofício gerava despesas tanto com a aquisição de medicamentos, roupas e alimentos quanto com mortalhas para seu sepultamento. No caso dos escravos da Estância de Santa Catalina, observou-se que, dependendo da enfermidade, eles eram encaminhados à cidade de Córdoba, onde eram tratados por leigos treinados nas artes de curar, o que implicava despesas de outra natureza também registradas nos relatórios contábeis.

Enslaved Persons , Humans , Paraguay , Black People , History of Medicine , History, 18th Century
World Neurosurg ; 179: 60-65, 2023 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37586552


BACKGROUND: This historical account reviews the course and lasting impact of Madeline Earle Stanton (1898-1980) in neurosurgery. METHODS: The writing of this project was sparked by the discovery of original scientific and bibliographical information about Stanton. It is a thorough review of literature on Stanton and reflects the scope and depth of these prior works. RESULTS: Beginning with Madeline Stanton's venture with Dr. Harvey Cushing at Harvard and Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, this project follows the transformation of her role as Cushing's secretary to the secretary of the Medical Historical Library at Yale. Stanton played an integral role in the development of the Yale Medical Historical Library, becoming the librarian of the Historical Collections and remaining a historical consultant after retirement. Stanton served as an assistant and associate editor for the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. Stanton's work created an access point to valuable medical literature for the furthering of medical education and development. CONCLUSIONS: Our article provides glimpses into the personality of Madeline Stanton and her marked impact on neurosurgery.

Librarians , Neurosurgery , Humans , History of Medicine , Consultants , Universities , Boston
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(2): [12], ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514157


Fundamento: Hans Hugo Bruno Selye, fisiólogo y médico austrohúngaro nació el 26 de enero de 1907, posteriormente se naturalizó canadiense, este hombre que vivió 75 años y llegó a ser director del Instituto de Medicina y Cirugía Experimental de la Universidad de Montreal, Canadá, hasta su retiro en 1970. Falleció en 1982, en esa misma ciudad. Objetivo: Describir la vida y obra del ilustre académico Hans Hugo Bruno Selye y la historia del estrés como hito en la historia de la Medicina moderna. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de corte histórico donde se utilizaron métodos teóricos como el análisis documental y el histórico-lógico. Desarrollo: El doctor empezó a desarrollar su famosa teoría acerca de la influencia del estrés en la capacidad de las personas para enfrenarse o amoldarse a las consecuencias de lesiones o enfermedades en el segundo año de sus estudios de Medicina (1926). Esta investigación le permitió descubrir que los pacientes con variedad de dolencias manifestaban síntomas similares, los cuales podían ser atribuidos a los esfuerzos del organismo para responder a esta condición de estar enfermo. Él llamó a este conjunto de síntomas síndrome del estrés o síndrome de adaptación general (GAS). Conclusiones: Este médico es una de las personalidades más importantes de la historia de la Medicina; su teoría del estrés proporcionó un marco conceptual transcendental para cuestiones posteriores de los mecanismos y manifestaciones de las reacciones del mismo.

Background: Hans Hugo Bruno Selye, Austro-Hungarian physiologist and physician, born January 26, 1907, later naturalized Canadian citizen, this man who lived 75 years and became the Director of Experimental Medicine and Surgery Institute of Montreal University in Canada, until his retirement in 1970. He passed away in 1982, in the same city. Objective: Describe the life and achievements of the distinguished academic Hans Hugo Bruno Selye and the history of stress as a milestone in modern medical history. Methodology: A historical retrospective study was conducted using theoretical methods such as documental and historical-logical analysis. Methodology: The doctor began to build his famous theory about the influence of stress on the ability of persons to cope or adjust to the injury or illness consequences in the second year of his medical studies (1926). He discovered with this investigation that patients with a variety of ailments exhibited similar symptoms, which could be attributed to the organism efforts to respond to the condition of being sick. He named this set of symptoms stress syndrome or general adaptation syndrome (GAS). Conclusions: This physician is one of the greatest personalities in medical history; his stress theory provided a transcendental conceptual framework for later issues of the mechanisms and manifestations for stress reactions.

Stress, Psychological , Life History Traits , History of Medicine
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(2): 364, ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1517314


Se presenta una recopilación de hechos relacionados con la salud y seguridad en el trabajo, en forma de aproximación, sin intentar un análisis histórico, siguiendo un hilo transversal del rol de la medicina, en lo que ha significado a través del tiempo la salud física y mental del trabajador. Se discute la contradicción entre la salud y el trabajo, intentando dar una explicación de cómo los diferentes sistemas económicos han intentado mediar en esta contradicción. El artículo hace hincapié en las circunstancias, que en el caso venezolano, condujeron al desarrollo de hecho y de derecho de la atención de la salud de quien trabaja, primero de nuestros ancestros, los indios americanos, luego de los esclavos negros y con el pasar del tiempo, de los trabajadores de las minas en el siglo XIX y delos trabajadores petroleros en el siglo XX, siglo que a partir de 1950, con la graduación en Inglaterra del primer médico ocupacional venezolano, el Dr. Emigdio Cañizales Guédez, vio crecer exponencialmente los profesionales que se sumaron a este campo del ejercicio profesional, que incluyó servicios en las empresas, gremios, y finalmente, los postgrados. Se trae a la memoria a personas de todo el país, que, desde su lugar de acción, dieron su aporte para que la Medicina del Trabajo o Medicina Ocupacional ocupe hoy un lugar estratégico en lo que significa la empresa nacional, sea pública o privada(AU)

A compilation of facts related to health and safety at work is presented, in the form of an approximation, without attempting a historical analysis, following a transversal thread of the role of medicine in what physical and mental health has meant over time. Who works the contradiction between health and work is discussed, trying to explain how different economic systems have tried to mediate this contradiction. The article emphasizes the circumstances that in the Venezuelan case led to the de facto and legal development of health care, first of our ancestors, the American Indians, then of the black slaves and over time of the workers of the mines in the 19th century and of the oil workers in the 20th century, a century that from1950, with the graduation in England of the first Venezuelan occupational doctor, Dr. Emigdio Cañizales Guédez, will see the professionals who joined grow exponentially. To this field of professional practice, which will include services in companies, trade unions and finally postgraduate courses. The article brings to mind people from all over the country, who from their place of action, gave their contribution so that Occupational Medicine or Occupational Medicine now occupies a strategic place in what the national company means, whether public or private(AU)

Occupational Health/history , Working Conditions , Occupational Medicine , History of Medicine , Occupational Diseases